Rescheduled Windy Knoll Goldens Reunion is Coming up Fast on August 31!

It was so disappointing to cancel our meetup on August 10. However, our new date, Saturday August 31, is coming up fast. We will still start at 9:30 am and wrap up around 2:00 pm. With all of the recent rainfall, our property is quite fresh and green. Plus, there now is a hint of fall in the air. The walking paths are mown, the dog swimming pond level is up, and the grills are fueled. We understand if plans have changed for you but still hope that you and your golden(s) can join us. If you were planning on coming last time and cannot make it this time, please let us know. On the other hand, if you CAN make it or are now able to, please RVSP so we know how many burgers and hot dogs to grill!

Events of the day include:

  1. Sign in at 9:30
  2. Training demonstration with participation of anyone who wants to join
  3. Lunch
  4. Door Prizes
  5. Nature walk across our 100 acres of fields and woods
  6. Swimming in the pond with tennis ball toss
  7. Socialization between pet owners and pets
  8. Healthy dog talk: showcasing all natural approach to raising goldens

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