Golden Sunshine & Lady Margaret

Windy Knoll AKC Golden Retriever Golden Sunshine enjoying the Vermont countryside

Back in July, we visited a pristine kennel, Pot of Gold Kennel, owned and cared for by a dedicated Golden lover, Brenda.  As we toured her lovely facilities and were greeted by her beautiful AKC Goldens, we had a growing conviction that we would love to add some of their progeny to our own little family of dogs. Sweet, friendly, well mannered, calm, healthy, and beautiful, her animals exhibited all that we desired in our breeding goals for our Golden Retrievers. One female in particular, a dark red, graceful, sweet female, “Speckles,” caught our attention. To make a long story short, we made arrangements to bring home two female pups from Speckles upcoming litter.

Dark Red AKC Golden Retriever mother of Sunny and Meg

Greeting Speckles from Pot of Gold Kennel, breeder of AKC Golden Retrievers

At the beginning of this month, our two puppies were ready for us to take them home. I fell in love with their adorable faces the moment I saw them! You would think that after seeing quite a number of cute puppies, one more puppy face wouldn’t matter that much, but somehow, it does, and these faces belonging to warm, wriggling, plump, soft little bodies were coming home with me!

A Vermont raised AKC Golden Retriever for Windy Knoll Goldens

All the children were eagerly awaiting the puppies arrival, especially since Mary Grace and Esther were going to be the new owner’s! Our last new golden edition, “Stonewall Jackson,” is Jonathan’s responsibility, so the girls were eager for their own dogs. “Meg” and “Sunny” seemed equally delighted with their new companions! Windy Knoll Golden Sunshine and Windy Knoll Lady Margaret grace their AKC registration papers with official splendor, but here in real life, they  enjoy their nicknames much better!

Our new AKC Golden Retriever female, Meg, chews a toy

What’s more, they are all that we hoped for in our new Golden puppies. Meg is slightly lighter gold, and possesses such a sweet, mellow, cuddly personality. Sunny is graced with a darker golden coat, and often engages us with her warm, outgoing, friendly ways, as well as her ability to catch onto things quite quickly!

Adorable and cute, Windy Knoll ACK Golden Retriever Meg plays in the New England countryside

After a few weeks of acclimating to their new home and new companions, as well as gaining a considerable amount of size and weight, Meg and Sunny are enjoying days of romping with Jack. Jack has grown tremendously in the past few months (he’s going to be a big boy!), and at first didn’t know that his enthusiastic knocks and bumps were not healthy for his pint sized companions. Now, however, all three are inseparable, and if they aren’t playing a three way tug of war with their rope toys or sharing drinks at the water bowl, they are curled into a comfortable, sleepy heap in the sunshine.

As family breeders of AKC Goldens, it's a delight to see our children enjoy our dogs

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