Our Windy Knoll Golden Puppies Enjoy The Snow

Almost all of the puppies from Windy Knoll Betsy and Windy Knoll Polly’s beautiful litters of AKC Golden Retriever litters are off to their new homes. One little fellow is still here, awaiting travel down to the sunny south to his new home shortly. Thankfully, he’s got a few playmates that are still his age: two new additions to our own canine family. Ulysse S. Grant of Windy Knoll Farm is a handsome, dark red, adorable little guy that we were thrilled to keep from Betsy and Shep’s litter. Clara Barton of Windy Knoll Farm is an adorable, sweet, and beautiful little red girl who recently came from a breeder north of us (Windy Meadow Farm) – and is a granddaughter of Shep! (If you are wondering about the names, yes, they are Civil War era, an era of history of interest for the children at this time, and continuing the tradition started when Stonewall Jackson joined Windy Knoll Farm! Grant and Clara are their call names.)




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One Response

  1. We are beyond excited to meet our little boy! Thank you so much for this video! Can’t wait to meet him… He is perfect! His sister can’t wait to love on him as well!