The last litter of the season is here! Pickle and Charlie have very huggable puppies. Charlie, being a blond golden, and Pickle being dark red, produce a medium blond to dark red puppies. Pickle does a great job taking care of her puppies which are receiving daily bio-sensor therapy and handling. All our puppies go through this special handling process which produces more confident, healthy puppies, both physiologically, and psychologically. If you are interested in a puppy in mid-July, there are openings for both males and females from this litter.
Among other things that help our puppies stay healthy, we give the mothers and puppies NuVet Plus nutritional wafers or powder every day to ensure the proper nutritional level for both the mother and the puppies. We also sprinkle the top of the food with powdered garlic from Springtime Inc. which helps produce proper gut microbes, reduce parasite load, kills cancer, and also repels ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas.