I love this time of year, when here and there we catch a glimpse of Spring after the long winter season. Today, for instance, sunshine and temperatures in the fifties all spoke “spring” and pulled our entire family outdoors for a long, lovely walk. While I hear that this delightful weather is quickly heading out the door to give way to more cold, rain, and maybe even snow, I still know Spring is just around the corner, along with all the new life that is a part of that season!
Part of that new life here at Windy Knoll Farm includes a new litter of puppies! We are so excited to announce that AKC Windy Knoll Jenny has been bred as of last week! Her new little puppies are due to arrive around May 9th!
Jenny has been doing great and looks fantastic – at least when she is not covered in dirt from romping through that spring mud! However, we did experience an unexpected turn of events in her breeding plans. Our male, Green Mountain Pastures Shep, was suppose to be the sire of this litter. However, as Jenny’s standing heat progressed, and the breeding was not a success between the two of the, we had to turn to plan “B.” Jenny took a trip over to Don Grave’s beautiful kennel, Super Goldens, over in New York, to visit one of his outstanding stud males. AKC Golden Retriever Super Golden Maxson Broderick, otherwise know as “Brodie,” and our Jenny got along splendidly, and Jenny came home several days later after her successful breeding.
“Brodie” is a beautiful, golden cream AKC Golden Retriever male, who has a friendly, warm, and happy personality, and has sired a number of beautiful AKC puppies. As per his owner’s description:
AKC# SR59007607
OFA Hips ” Good”
OFA Elbows ” Normal”
Heart “Normal”
Eyes Clear
PennHip 60th percentile
DNA # V647607
DOB 10/02/2009
Brodie is our newest American stud dog . He is a light American Golden.
He has a wonderful temperament and is very gentle.
Brodie has PennHip clearance and OFA hip and elbow clearances.
He also has eye and heart clearances.
We’re quite excited about the upcoming progeny from Jenny and Brodie! We are, however, aware that many of you on our wait list for Jenny’s planned litter were anticipating our Shep as the sire, and a few of you were hoping for the dark red coloring of Shep. Of course, with Brodie as the father of Jenny’s puppies, it is unlikely that any of them will be as dark red in color as Shep. (Jenny does have some dark red in her lines, so the possibility of a darker golden puppy is there, but not highly likely.) We apologize for this unexpected change, and would be interested in hearing from you if you’d like to cancel your spot on Jenny’s waiting list. If so, we do have some availability on our waiting list for our Betsy and Shep’s planned dark red litter later this year, especially for females, and could discuss the possibility of transferring you to her waiting list. Let us know what your thoughts are and we’ll do our best to continue to work with you!