A Few Sunny Pictures on a Rainy Day

Everyone, our AKC Golden Retrievers, and children, are glad Spring is here!

Ushering Spring in here in New England’s countryside always means alternating weather, sometimes without much rhyme or reason, between mild, sunny days, and cold, rainy ones. Yesterday, we experienced one of the former, for a glorious Easter celebration of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It was so warm we even managed short sleeves for the first time this year! Today was quite different, with chilly temperatures accompanied by steady showers of cold rain. However, on such a day, I wanted to share a few sunny photos taken several days ago of our beautiful golden, Sunny. Our AKC Windy Knoll Sunny, who is now seven months old, enjoyed a refreshing walk with the children and I.

Our AKC Windy Knoll Sunny and two year old daughter enjoy a walk together

Esther claimed the privilege of walking Sunny first. Sunny is still learning her leash manners, but did very well respecting Esther, especially considering her pint sized master.

Teaching young children how to handle golden retrievers is very important

Esther, as an avid animal lover, enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about dog walking basics.

At six months. our AKC Golden Retriever Windy Knoll Sunny is maturing into a beautiful, sweet, and lovely young golden retriever

Isn’t our “Golden Sunshine” maturing into such a beautiful female? She is so sweet, gentle, friendly, and unassuming in her appreciation for life, and I confess that she might just be my favorite of our Golden Retrievers (at the moment, anyway). :o)

Hugs for our AKC Golden Retriever, Golden Sunshine, who loves children!

Spring is in the air here at Windy Knoll Farm, where our AKC Golden Retriever Sunny enjoys a walk with Mary

Mary Grace asked for a turn walking Sunny as well (and in case you are wondering, it’s usually just one dog that gets to accompany us on our walks if it is just the children and I, sans Greg. Four children and a dog is an adequate number to be responsible for, even on a quiet dirt road!).

Golden Retrievers are beautiful, gentle, and wonderful animals, like our special AKC Windy Knoll Golden Sunshine

Mary is more practiced with her dog walking technique, and she and Sunny made there way along quite merrily. Eventually, the thrills and discoveries of the walk occupied the children’s whole attention, thus enabling me to take charge of walking our Sunny. Warming sunshine, springtime mud, the promise of bud’s soon to appear, a beautiful young golden retriever at my side, and four lovely, merry children: it was a lovely walk!

At the end of the day, be sure to appreciate you children and your golden retrievers!

Until next time, enjoy this slice of Sunny!

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