April and Grant’s Large, Beautiful Litter of Dark Red Golden Pups!

Look at all those little Golden Retrievers! They are our newest litter of puppies here in Maine at Windy Knoll Goldens!

April Golden Retriever Puppy

April and Grant’s pretty dark red pups arrived on April 6, 2021 – a very large litter of 12 healthy canines, 3 boys and 9 girls!

With sturdy, dark red April as their enthusiastic mother, and handsome, dark red Grant as their father, these pups promise to mature into beautiful, dark red adults with a lot of zest and loyalty for life! At the moment, however, they’re busy just being sweet and taking the responsibility of growing bigger and cuter each day quite seriously. Their beautiful blue eyes are open to the world, although their means of locomotion is still adorably rolly-polly and slow as they tumble about on legs that are still a bit wobbly! With so many littermates, there’s always someone to snuggle with, and if there’s not a pup to snuggle with, there is sure to be one of the children ready to take over the job! Each day also finds them undergoing the bio sensor therapy that is an important part of every puppy’s foundation here at Windy Knoll Goldens.



It’s a lot of work being a puppy … all that eating, sleeping, and snuggling just wears me out! Good night….
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3 Responses

  1. They are adorable. I can hardly wait to meet them in May. Thanks for posting the pics !

  2. I am interested in a dark red female if not all have been spoken for.

    1. Hi Carolyn,

      I may have one available if someone else doesn’t get the last one. Why don’t you give me a call or email and I’ll be able to tell you if we have an additional puppy left.

      Thank you,