More News on Jenny and Brodie’s Beautiful AKC Puppies!

First of all, I must thank all of you for your patience in waiting for “more details” about Jenny’s puppies! We left you hanging on Saturday with a brief video of Jenny when  she was actually in labor – and after a busy several days, we are happy to finally find a moment to fill you in with more news! Congratulations to those of you who guessed correctly that Jenny would have nine puppies!

Our AKC Windy Knoll Jenny presented us with a fine litter of nine beautiful AKC Golden Retriever puppies May 14 2016

Yes, that’s right, Jenny presented us with NINE beautiful little AKC golden retriever puppies! Her fine, large, healthy litter includes five handsome males and four beautiful females – you can’t get much more balanced than that with an odd number, can you?!

Jenny's three day old AKC Golden Retriever Puppy fit snuggly in our hands

Three day old Golden Retriever puppies are quite small!

At this point in their little lives, these adorable little pups of AKC Windy Knoll Jenny’s and AKC Super Golden Maxson Broderick’s  have only three priorities: nursing, sleeping, and staying warm (a newborn pup can’t regulate its temperature and thus need an outside heat source between 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit to remain stabilized and strong). We are thrilled that all of the puppies are thriving with these three needs, and already busy in their start to growing big and strong.

Such tiny, sweet faces on our 2016 litter of AKC Golden Retriever Puppies from Jenny

Jenny chose one of the prettiest days that we’ve had so far to labor and deliver her puppies this past Saturday, May 14, 2016. Her labor was slow and steady, starting in the wee hours of the morning and ending close to ten o’clock in the full glory of a beautiful Spring day. Jenny is now in the category of an experienced mother, and knows just how to handle both labor and delivery and the nurturing of her offspring. This first week in particular will be one of intense devotion to her pups.

Elizabeth gives gentle kisses to our new litter of AKC Golden Retriever Puppies

Elizabeth is one and a half and is simply thrilled with Windy Knoll Jenny's beautiful AKC Golden Retriever Puppies

Early socialization with humans of all ages lays an important foundation for your Golden Retriever puppy

For those of you on our wait list, you will be receiving an email from us letting you know if we have a puppy available for you from this litter, and inquiring if you are still interested in reserving one of these beautiful puppies. We work on a first come, first serve basis, after our pick of the litter male and pick of the litter female have been fulfilled, so if you are farther down the list, please be patience as we work our way through and hear back from the first individuals.. :o)

Esther couldn't wait to hold Jenny's cute little blond AKC Golden Retrievr Puppies

Needless to say, the children were thrilled to snuggle these three day old pups. Enjoy the pictures and enjoy your week!

Mary and Esther caerfully studying the tiny, cute, two three day old AKC Golden Retriever puppies from Windy Knoll Jenny

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