Windy Knoll Goldens AKC Golden Retriever Breeder Near Boston

Liberty and Lance Fall Litter 2023

American/English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies
Date of Birth: 08/30/2023

Liberty’s puppies have arrived! American Golden Retrievers are the perfect blend of traits making them exceptional companions. With a gentle and caring personality, Liberty, excels as a mother, ensuring the well-being of her adorable pups. She portrays a stunning dark red coat, with a slim athletic build. On the other hand, Sir Lancelot stands out with his blocky head, stocky build, and large paws, inherited from his outstanding Ukrainian lineage. These puppies embody both athleticism and playfulness, making them a delightful addition to any family.

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Blue Collar English American Golden Puppy

AKC Golden Retrievers Sir Lancelot and Lady Liberty’s golden retriever puppies are the friendliest bunch we have had in a long time. It is partly genetics, but in addition to that, they got more handling and supplemental bottle feeding at the beginning of their lives because there were 12 of

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